
Welcome to AnnaSurabi

AnnaSurabi Charitable Trust was founded with a mission to combat hunger and provide nutrition to the less fortunate, inspired by Mr. Magesh's parents' legacy of feeding the needy. Driven by empathy, the trust aims to eliminate hunger and support those in need.

With a vision to provide three meals a day to the less fortunate, AnnaSurabi Charitable Trust invites individuals with generous hearts to join this mission. Together, through humble contributions, we can work towards the collective goal of banishing hunger and ensuring no one goes to bed hungry.

AnnaSurabi Charitable Trust was born from humble foundations and empathy to offer food to as many hungry and downtrodden people as possible. We hope that someday the world will be able to proclaim that it has banished hunger on this earth. With this aspiration, we are making a small contribution to eliminate hunger and provide nutrition and health within our means.

Rightly taking from the quote by Mother Teresa – “If you can’t feed a hundred people, then just feed one.” The humble beginnings started when Mr. Magesh’s parents would offer food to the needy in their locality every Sunday. Mr. Magesh grew up witnessing this throughout his youth. Every week, it used to be like a small Thiruvizha (Festival). The seed of empathy and charity was sown in Magesh’s heart during those days, growing into a vision to feed the needy and eliminate hunger as much as possible.

Mr. Magesh has continued this weekly food donation activity over the years. As a builder and businessman with a generous heart, he has carried forward his parents’ humble legacy. Though his parents are no longer with us, with their blessings and his vision to take this initiative to the next level, the idea of AnnaSurabi Charitable Trust was born.

Our motto at AnnaSurabi Charitable Trust is to provide three meals a day to every downtrodden person as best as possible. Moving to the next level requires big hearts, and we invite people with generous hearts and a shared vision to eliminate hunger to contribute within their means.

“Let this be a beginning… Let us come together with contributions toward the goal of eliminating hunger.”


With A Vision To Provide Three Meals A Day To The Less Fortunate, RARA Charitable Trust Invites Individuals With Generous Hearts To Join This Mission. Together, Through Humble Contributions, We Can Work Towards The Collective Goal Of Banishing Hunger And Ensuring No One Goes To Bed Hungry.

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